Call me Chameleon. I am very shy and reserved because of my past; however, I can instantly change into a powerful woman who has not forgotten her roots and has been driven to accomplish great things relative to her beginnings. Although I sprang from a poverty-stricken childhood, I grew into a well-accomplished female executive. Being a former victim of abuse, I can’t forget past traumatic situations. These terrible experiences have instilled me with a compelling need to help others who suffer from abuse—or are at risk of becoming a victim of it.
My first book, The Will To Live: Finding The Strength Within To Survive has great power to me because no one was there to know what I was going through; no one was there to comfort me; no one was there to tell me what to do; no one was there to tell me what I must do to escape; no one was there because I wanted to conceal my shame and pain. Now I want to reach out and inspire young ladies—often teenagers—who need to talk to someone so they will know they are not alone in the abuse they suffer now, or are at risk of, or who have unhealed emotional wounds from past abuse.
My second book, Daughter Edition: Letters To My Younger Self is a collaboration with my three daughters. This book is a dedication to our younger selves in the hopes of inspiring youth; however, regardless of age this book will bring encouragement, support and most importantly cultivates us to be the best version of ourselves.